Gokushufudou Wiki

Boss is Tatsu's former employer during his time as a yakuza where they run into one another again when Tatsu has become a household husband and the husband of Hibari Eguchi in the live action film.


Boss has greyed, slicked-back hair with facial hair framing his jawline and upper lip. A scar is slashed from the corner of his lips and all the way up to his ear.


Boss loves dogs and fawns over his own dog Pinky when Tatsu gives him a new sweater to wear.

He respects Tatsu's decision to be a household husband.


Boss still has ties to the yakuza and searched for Tatsu to offer him a job, but after seeing how happy Tatsu is with his current life, he decided to leave it alone.


Live Action[]

  • The name Kikujiro means "chrysanthemum" (菊) (kiku), "two" (二) (ji) and "son" (郎) (ro).
  • Kikujiro's surname Eguchi means "bay, inlet" (江) (e) and "mouth, entrance" (口) (kuchi/guchi).

